How to set up Google analytic and Google Webmaster code


Are you able to track the incoming visitors to your website? What if your website has some serious technical errors? Well! You don’t actually need to panic? All you have got to do is simply set up Google analytics & Google webmaster tools. But, before you set up your analytic code, you must know why you need to set up Google analytic & webmaster.

Why you need to set up Google analytics?

Google analytic helps webmasters to keep a track of the traffic, upcoming sources, and the number of visits your website gets.

How to set up analytic on your website?

•    To start firstly, you sign your Google Analytics account, and go to the admin tab.
•    Go to the account & property tabs, choose the property you are working with.
•    Now click on the Tracking Info>Tracking code.
•    You will now receive a tracking snippet, in a box. It is basically a JavaScript that starts from <script> and ends at </script>.
•    Note: Don’t ever try to edit this snippet and also don’t use it for multiple domains. Every tracking code has a unique ID that responds to each property of Google analytics, so don’t try to mix the code from different properties.
•    Now you need to copy this snippet and paste it into the web page you want to track. In case you want to keep a track of the traffic on your website, it is best to add this snippet in the homepage.
•    Add this tracking code into the HTML of the website just after the </head> tag.
•    After you are done with this process, you can check if the set up has been correctly pasted.      
•    You will now be able to know your traffic sources.

What is Google webmaster Tools?

According to Matt Cutts of Google, the very mistake most common in website owners is that they do not make proper use of free online webmaster resources. So, if too care about people finding your website, then you must need to set up the Google Webmaster tools.

Google Webmaster Tools (GWT) help webmasters’ to take care of their all the technicalities associated with their website. Moreover, Google also uses this tool as a medium to communicate with website owners, and if there is any crucial message related to your website, then you are surely catch it up.

How to set up Google webmaster tools?

•    Log into Google webmaster with your Google account
•    Click on add a site from the page that appears.
•    You will be then asked to verify if the website belongs to you. You will receive a number of options.
•    After you have verified your website, you need to create & submit a sitemap. A sitemap is basically a simple file that tells about the pages on your website.
•    You have successfully set up Google webmaster tools.


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